RSIS International

Effect of Green Production Practices in Sustainable Development of Agro- Allied Small Businesses in Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue X, October 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

 Effect of Green Production Practices in Sustainable Development of Agro- Allied Small Businesses in Nigeria

J.C. Ihemeje, PhD1*; E.O. Adeleke, PhD2.; M. C. Okpara, PhD.3; T. C. Zwingina, PhD.4
1,3College of Management Sciences, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. Abia State Nigeria.
2.Accounting department, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria.
4Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Bingham University Karu- Abuja. FCT Abuja, Nigeria.
Corresponding author*

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The Nigerian market system particularly in the area of agricultural-related business has adversely been influenced by the environment. It has equally failed to deal with negative environmental externalities and undervaluing natural resources. This has led to its non-sustainability and low performance. This study evaluated the effect of green production practices on the continued survival of agro-allied businesses in Nigeria. This study was carried on 306 owners and managers of Agro-Allied small businesses within the study area. The primary and secondary data were respectively collected using questionnaire and literature and were statistically analysed. A null hypothesis was formulated that was tested using the Z-test statistical tool and the SPSS package. The findings revealed that green agricultural production would significantly affect the continued survival of agro-allied businesses in Nigeria. The study concluded that despite notable changes in legislation and regulations to protect the environment, Nigeria and various other countries are constrained with unprecedented environmental problems arising from climate change and established that environmental problems can only be solved through technological advancement by the input of ecopreneurship. The study recommended among other things, that the government of Nigeria should strengthen its external forces concerning establishing national standards for the quality of the environment and the implementation of environmental regulations; also, to provide an environment that shall strengthen the consumer movement in the country.

Keywords: Agro-Allied, Ecopreneurship, Green Production, Market System, Small Businesses, Sustainable Development


In Nigeria, many indigenous agri-businesses, small and medium enterprises have failed to fully imbibe to the implementation of green production practices (Mamman, Aminu, & Adah, 2013). Only multinational enterprises have put this issue into concern in their want to satisfying operations (Ajani & Igbokwe, 2013). Most agriculture-related organizations complain lack of realistic estimates on how to successfully implement