Effect of Information Communication Technology Innovation Policy, Training and Skills on Efficiency of Service Delivery in Private Laboratories in Kenya

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Effect of Information Communication Technology Innovation Policy, Training and Skills on Efficiency of Service Delivery in Private Laboratories in Kenya

 Abdihamid Daud Adan1, Dr. James Mwikya Reuben2,
1Department of Business Administration, Management University of Africa,
P.O Box 29677-00100, Nairobi Kenya
2Department of Computing and Information Technology, Kirinyaga University,
P.O.Box: 143-10300, Kerugoya Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Information communication technology (ICT) has become a key element in economic development and a backbone of knowledge-based economies in terms of operations efficiency, efficient delivery of services and quality of services in this competitive private sector business environment. There is growing evidence that knowledge-driven process management is an influential factor in the competitiveness of private Laboratories, organizations and firms. Unlike many similar private laboratory enterprises, Pathologist Lancet Kenya has benefited substantially from e-resulting leading to better service delivery to customers thus strengthening business competitiveness. The general objective of the study was to find out the effect of information communication technology innovation policies, employee training and skills management on efficiency of service delivery among private laboratories in Kenya. This study used a descriptive research design. The target population was entire 52 employees of Pathologists Lancet Kenya Limited and Purposive sampling technique was used on the study. Quantitative data was collection through questionnaires. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The findings pointed out that ICT; innovative policy, training and employee skills significantly affect efficiency of service delivery in Private laboratory enterprises in Kenya.

Keywords: Information Communication Technology, Innovation Policy, Staff Training, Skills Management, Service Delivery


In Kenya there are a number of private medical laboratories which have been registered as private laboratories by the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board which is a statutory authority established under Cap 253 Laws of Kenya to regulate the practice of medicine. Those medical private laboratories are; Cell path laboratories, Alkam laboratory, Path care laboratories, Nyumbani diagnostic laboratory and Pathologists Lancet Kenya Limited.