International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue I, January 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Effect of Study Environment towards Learning
Abubakar Ayuba Fusami
Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics, ATBU Bauchi Nigeria
Abstract: The study seeks to unveil the effect of students’ study environment on their learning considering productive performance of school students study environment when compared to unproductive study environment. School learning environment is limited by a number of factors employed to address the relationships between characteristics students’ learning environment in the context of the individual student. Do specific nature of students’ study environments within which students learn (such as study location, study time, silence, noise etcetera) have any real impact on the quality of learning outcomes or will students do well irrespective of their study environments? Such questions are not just theoretically interesting, but also have a practically significant for school educators seeking to understand the impact for their design approach to decisions on students’ study environment. The research uses questionnaire in data collection where random sampling technique was administered to obtain the views of the students with regard to their study environment. The result shows significance to some of these factorswhile others do not.
Key word: Environment, Study, Effective and Learning.
All the external factors influencing the life and activities of people, plants, and animals natural world: especially when regarded as being at risk from harmful influences on particular activity (usually in combination), home, learning etc is termed environment. Study environment being good study area/location that allows one to maximize learning efficiency. Effective time management, high motivation, good reading skills, and a good study environment serve as a catalyst for productive effort (Ahmad, 2012). Good study environment is a highly individualized matter. Modern knowledge-based systems demand for high-level skills substantially, transforming schools in many countries to a better learning system that identify and develop talents of all students (Aguisibo, 1998). The school act as a professional community with authority to act on necessary information to assist them in implementing changes (Akanbi, I. A., 2013).