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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Effect of Teachers’ Competencies in the Teaching and Learning English Language in Senior Secondary Schools in Sokoto South Local Government, Sokoto State, Nigeria

Usman Mohammed1, Abubakar Sadiq Lawal2, Buhari Marafa3, Aminu Hussaini4
1,4 Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria
2Department of Business Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria
3Department of Social Studies, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – The study investigated the effect of teachers’ competencies in teaching and learning of English languagein selected secondary schools in Sokoto south local government, Sokoto state Nigeria. The study covered ten schools in Sokoto south local government. A cross-sectionalsurvey was used in order together information from various respondents from the ten secondary schools in Sokoto south local government, Sokoto state, Nigeria. The population of study comprised of the Principals, Vice Principals, HOD, English language Teachers, and Student leaders. The study was conducted using a Cross-Sectional Survey because the researcher intended to collect data from various persons in 17 schools in Sokoto south local government. The Quantitative and Qualitative research approaches was triangulated. A sample size of use 90 in the study.They comprised of 5 HODs, 20 English language teachers, and fivestudents leadersand 270 students from the selected secondary schools in Sokoto south local government. Purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques was used for selecting the respondent’s.The findings shows that the English language teachers in secondary schools in Sokoto south local government did not use teaching method while teaching, schools do not have the required instructional materials in most of the secondary schools in Sokoto south local government, Classroom management was not effectively managed by the teachers because their discipline made the teaching process difficult. The research recommended that government and schools administrators should provide various teaching aids to schools to improve teaching and learning process in secondary schools in Sokoto south local government. The challenges faced are high numbers of students, inadequate teaching materials, unqualified teachers, lack of teaching method to English language teachers and improper class room management in some selected schools in Sokoto south local government. Finally, the interventions identified are the need for the government and schools administrators to provide teaching aids to the secondary schools in Sokoto south local government. The conclusions arrived at the government that is the Federal education, and State ministry of education should provide teaching aids like textbooks to improve the standard of teaching the English language in secondary schools in Sokoto south local government in Sokoto state Nigeria.

Keywords: teacher’s competencies, teaching and learning, instructional materials

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