International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Evans Musonda
Mukuba University, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, P.O Box 20382, Kitwe, Zambia
Abstract: – This study was conducted in order to investigate the effect of the 21st Century Skills on the performance of Students in Linear Transformations. The problem of poor performance of Second Year Students in Linear Algebra (MAT260), especially in Linear Transformations at Mukuba University has been a matter of concern. To solve this problem a study was conducted by the Researcher. The study population included all Second Year Students doing Linear Algebra (MAT 260)and pursuing a degree programme at Mukuba University. The study was based on one research question and two hypotheses. The research method used was an Experimental Design. The sample size was 60 Students comprising 43 male and 17 female Students. The Shapiro-wilk test was used because of the small sample size. The two groups were made from a homogeneous class at random. Particularly, 30 Students were assigned to the Experimental Group and 30 Students to the Control group. These two groups were subjected to a Pre-test. The Experimental group was lectured using the 21st Century Skills while the Control group was lectured using Conventional methods. The analysis of data was done with the help of SPSS, considering the mean and standard deviation. Then an Independent sample t-test was conducted at alpha (α) = 0.05 to analyse the results of the Post-test scores. The study showed that there was a statistically significant mean difference in the Post-test scores for Experimental group (Mean = 56.67, standard deviation = 18.26) and the Control group (Mean = 42.67, standard deviation = 19.51), P = .006. Therefore, using 21st Century Skills in lecturing Linear Transformations was found to have a positive effect on Students’ performance.
Keywords: Linear Transformations, 21st Century Skills, Linear Algebra and Conventional Approaches or Traditional Methods.