RSIS International

Effect of the Use of Information and Communication Technology on The Instruction of Physics in Secondary Schools in Awka Education Zone of Anambra State

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Effect of the Use of Information and Communication Technology on The Instruction of Physics in Secondary Schools in Awka Education Zone of Anambra State

Evelyn Obianuju Egolum (Ph.D)1, and Chime, Chukwuma Sunday2
1Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
2Federal Government College, Nise
Received: 03 July 2023; Accepted: 05 July 2023; Published: 11 August 2023

Abstract: This study examined the effect of the use of information and communication technology on the instruction of physics in secondary schools in Awka Education Zone of Anambra state. The study was guided by the three research questions and three hypotheses. The population for the study was 19, 153 SS3 physics students in all the secondary schools in the study area. A sample size of 110 SS3 physics students were selected (59 males and 51females). The research instrument used for the study was a Physics Achievement Test (PAT). PAT was validated by three experts, one lecturer from science education department, one from educational foundations department and one from computer science department, all from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. A reliability coefficient of 0.86 was gotten using Kudar- Richarson’s reliability formula. The mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that students taught physics with ICT performed higher than their counterparts that were taught physics without ICT. Gender interaction effect showed that the male students taught with ICT performed higher than their female counterparts. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that physics teachers should be encouraged to use ICT in teaching physics, since the method is more effective in learning physics compared to the conventional lecture method Also the federal ministry of education should organize workshops and seminars for science teachers to strengthen their knowledge of the use of ICT in teaching.

IJRISS Call for paper

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Instruction, Physics, Computer

I. Introduction

The importance of physics cannot be overemphasized as it forms the basis for technological advancement of any nation. Its study can lead to several scientific fields and professions such as engineering, manufacturing, mining and construction industries. Also, the knowledge of physics plays a very significant role in the economic development of any nation (Adegbija, 2012). Physics occupies a unique position in the school science curriculum. It has a link to other science subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Basic Science and Mathematics. Physics, a part of science curriculum provides a range of balanced learning experiences through which students develop the necessary scientific knowledge, understanding, skills and life processes. Science students in secondary schools have in recent times shown a very low interest in physics due to poor performance in science subjects in general and physics in particular and this can be caused by poor quality of science teachers, overcrowded classrooms, lack of suitable and adequate science equipment and most importantly the ill knowledge and non- usage of information and communication technology in our teaching methodology. The global trend is now wheeling around technological advancement in all areas of human development (Ebere, 2016). There is no doubt that modern life is dominated by technology and each nation is either a powerful producer of technology or a consumer of other nation’s technology efforts (Samphina Academy, 2023).

The major emphasis nowadays is on the use of information and communication technology in all works of life. Introducing technology in teaching and learning have contributed so much to the school system and also helped the teachers and students in many ways. Technology can provide the appropriate medium for teachers to nurture higher- level thinking in students, which is the key element of the 21st century skills for learning (Shelly, 2012). However, most of the time, technology in education is used as a source of information rather than as a process based means for knowledge construction. In such cases, technology is employed as a tool rather than as a pedagogical tool in science teaching and learning. Information, communication and technology (ICT) is a set of technological tools and resources used to communicate and manage information. The information dissemination is made possible through the use of technologies in teaching and learning such as in the learning of physics in secondary schools. Markauskaite (2012) added that the introduction of computer technology in teaching and learning is a giant stride towards quality education.