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Special Issue on Education, Economics, Management, Public Health: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Effect of Time Management on Employee Performance in Public Sector Organisations (Councils) in Boyo Division, Cameroon

 Nyamka Milton Kibebsii1*, Ndang Goodness Chufi2
1Department of Agribusiness Technology, University of Bamenda, College of Technology, Cameroon
2Department of Management, University of Bamanda, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Cameroon
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This research work “The Effect of Time Management on Employee performance of some public organisation (Councils) in Boyo. The study had as objectives; Find out the extent to which work schedule affects employee (job) performance; To examine the extent to which Punctuality influence employee (job) performance; Assess the role of Procrastination on employee (job) performance. The study was based on three null hypotheses H01: work schedule has no significant effect on employee performance; H02: Punctuality has no significant effect on employee performance; H03: Procrastination has no significant effect on employee performance. Data for the study was gotten from primary sources. 120 structured questionnaires were administered to employees of the Councils who were selected through the stratified sampling technique. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential analysis and presented using tables. The value of R square indicates how the variation of the independent variable varies on the dependent variable. The R square (0≤R2≥1) gives the level at which the dependent variable (Employee Performance) is being explained by Time Management (Work schedule, Punctuality and Procrastination), it is generally compared at 30%, the higher the R square the better the degree of explanation. In this case R2= 65.1 % which is greater than 30%. This coefficient shows a relative moderate degree of explanation of the dependent variable by the independent variables. Thus, work schedule, punctuality, and procrastination have a positive influence on employee performance. Hence the decision will be to reject the null hypothesis (H0) in favour of the alternative. This means that time management has a significant influence on employee performance. It is therefore recommended that the management and employees of councils should be able to identify primary objectives so that they can put in place those time management strategies that best satisfy them.

Key Words: Time Management, Employee Performance, Public Sector Organisations


In today’s contemporary world, many write-ups are “icons” that have emerged to “format” the “brains” of organisations’ stakeholders in order input in them the vital ideas of “time management” which is the main corner stone in realizing organisational growth. Just like a “pregnant woman” whose fruitful time counts from months, minutes and seconds with punctuality and without procrastination before delivery, so too is the timing of organizational goals to be achieved. Time, that is a continues sequence of existence, is so fragile, delicate