International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Effectiveness of Google Classroom as a Digital Tool in Teaching and Learning: Students’ Perceptions
Iliyasu Hussaini1*, Sawida Ibrahim2, Bashir Wali3, Ibrahim Libata4, Usman Musa5
1Universal Basic Education Commission, Abuja, Nigeria
2,3,4&5Faculty of Education, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero
*Corresponding author
Abstract: – The aim of this study is to evaluate Students’ perceptions on the effectiveness of Google Classroom as a Digital tool in Teaching and Learning. The study was conducted through a Survey Research Design to investigate the Students’ Perceptions. The population of study consists of all UG II Undergraduate Students, Faculty of Education, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aliero (KSUSTA). Data analysis was conducted using Descriptive Statistics. The results of the study indicated that Google Classroom is effective in improving Students access and attentiveness towards learning, knowledge and skills gained through Google Classroom makes Students to be active learners, as a Digital Tool, it provides meaningful feedback to both Students and Parents. However, Poor network hinders students from effective utilization of Google Classroom; thus, submitting their work late. Therefore, teachers should integrate the conventional teaching with Google Classroom to improve Students’ Performance. Google Classroom should also be a form of assessing Students’ Assessment through online Assignments and Quizzes; hence making Students to participate actively in Educational Technology Classes. The University should also provide a standard network to enable Students join Google Classroom and submit their assignments on time.
Keywords: Students’ Perceptions, Digital Tool & Google classroom
Google Classroom Google Classroom is a free application designed to assist students and teachers connect, work together, organize and create assignments, it enables learning to be paperless. As a Digital Tool, Google Classroom is accessible only to users with Google Apps for Education (GAFE). This is a free collaborative set of tools, these tools includes web tools like Google Docs, Google Drive, Gmail, and more. All users will GAFE account, have access to these web tools. Google Classroom can be used at any grade (basic, post basic and tertiary) levels, but this depends on the teachers’ and students’ competence (Bell, 2015).