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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XI, November 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Effectiveness of the Online Classes Implemented in The DWCL Graduate School of Business and Management During the Pandemic

 Teresita Llanza-Nacion
Department of Business and Management, Divine Word College of Legazpi, Philippines

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The study determined the effectiveness of the online classes implemented in the Graduate School in Divine Word College of Legazpi. Effectiveness was determined based on the perspectives of the students who are the recipients of the online classes in the graduate school along content and structure; modalities implemented; online platforms used; discussion of topics online; class interaction; performance-related activities; and grading system used. The students enrolled during the 2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021 and 1st Semester, SY 2021-2022 were the respondents of the study. Their decision to enroll in the graduate program offering in DWCL is influenced by the quality of education, which the school is known for, the Divinian Mantra, and the GSBM Management. Other reasons given why they pursue graduate studies is for personal development and career advancement. The online platforms used in the online classes are Google Classroom, Google Meeting, Zoom Meetings, FB Messenger Chat Groups and the class modalities implemented by the majority is mixed mode or the combination of synchronous and asynchronous classes, and the majority of the classes are synchronously met by the faculty members every class meeting schedule. All the areas covered to measure the effectiveness of the GSBM online classes were rated “Very Effective” with an over-all general weighted mean of 3.64. The recommendations to further improve the online classes include: the conduct of more Webinars for supplemental learning, the use of Zoom instead of Google Meet, the use of innovative strategies for online meetings, online team building activities, and the possibility of limited face to face in the future if the situation so allowed.

Keywords: effectiveness, online classes, COVID-19 pandemic, graduate school


The onset of the COVID-19 virus in the later part of 2019 alarmed everybody especially when it started to spread fast from across countries as a result of the movement of travelers entering and leaving one country. The virus seemed uncontrollable that it forced all countries across the globe to take measures on how to prevent it from even entering in their territories. But the COVID virus, if compared to a person is very intelligent. Even the health experts and scientists failed to determine its supposed actions. The last thing they know is that the virus is already present and in existence and they cannot shove it away that fast.
In March 2020, the first case in the Philippines was detected. The infected foreign national who was the carrier of said virus was kept in isolation and yet the virus still managed to escape

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