Effects of Insurgency on Basic Education Facilities in Mandaragirau District, Biu, L.G.A., Borno State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue VIII, August 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186

Effects of Insurgency on Basic Education Facilities in Mandaragirau District, Biu, L.G.A., Borno State, Nigeria

Abdullahi Usman1, Dr Bello A. Ibrahim2, Ali Yerima3

IJRISS Call for paper

1Federal Government College P.M.B 1102, Maiduguri, Borno State. Nigeria.
2Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, North West University of Kano, Kano State. Nigeria.
3Department of Primary Education, College of Education, P.M.B 1502, Waka-Biu, Borno State. Nigeria.
Corresponding Author: Abdullahi Usman

Abstract:-This paper examined the effects of boko haram insurgents on Basic Education Facility in Mandaragirau District, Biu LGA Borno State in Nigeria. The emergence of Boko haram since 2002 in the North eastern Nigeria has affected several sectors of the Nigerian economy. Education sector was one of sector that suffered a grate set back due to several attacks on schools, killing and abducting student, killing teachers and total destruction of school structures leading to indefinite closure of schools in the region halting all educational activities in the area.
Mandaragirau district was purposively selected and questionnaire was administered to 50 staff randomly selected from the 10 villages hosting Basic Education facility in the area. The findings revealed that before Boko haram insurgency, Educational activities were running smoothly and all the facilities in the schools were functional and on the increased, but during the peak period of violent activities of Boko haram insurgents, these facilities were rendered NOT functional and were on the continuous decrease due to merciless attacks on schools with bombs and other explosive devices resulting into killing, abducting and kidnapping of school children in the area creating fear and displacement of families in the locality. This study also revealed that schools in the area were indefinitely closed down during the peak period of insurgency which served as a government response to the insurgents’ crisis and this has significantly affected day to day running of the schools and consequently affecting education of children in the area.
The study recommend that free and compulsory education should be provided to all especially at grass roots (Primary and Junior secondary school). Security agents should be deployed to protect all educational facilities in troubled area. It was also recommended that parents should be very close to their children in order to monitor their behaviour, attitude and check the peer group influence on their children.

Keywords: Insurgency, Basic Education, Conflict, Facility, Globalisation, Security