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Effects of Peer Counselling on Learners Mental Wellness: From Theory to Practice towards Enhancement of the Self

Jeniffer Maiwa, Esther Kiaritha
Moi University, Kenya
Received: 27 December 2022; Revised: 09 January 2023; Accepted: 16 January 2023; Published: 23 February 2023

Abstract: – Adolescents face an increasing myriad of challenges due to emotional, physical and mental growth and development. This is coupled with modern challenges of the youth such as peer pressure, academic demands among other issues. This paper is based on a study conducted among secondary schools in Kericho county Kenya, with an aim of establishing the effect of peer counselling on learners’ mental wellbeing and was anchored on Social Cognitive theory by Albert Bandura. The study-generated data from 12 schools, among 398 students and 48 peer counsellors selected by simple random sampling. Additionally, 12 heads of guidance and counselling and principals were included. The study adopted pragmatic paradigm, used mixed method research approach. The study used convergent parallel mixed methods research design where data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules and focus group discussion. Quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, qualitative data was thematically analyzed through selective coding. The results of the study revealed that peer counselling had significant influence on learners’ mental wellbeing, with a significant impact of β=0.595, p=0.000. The qualitative data enriched these results since the findings revealed that peer counselling encouraged learners to focus on the future not the past. The paper therefore argues that peer counselling has a positive influence on learners’ mental wellbeing and recommends that sensitization be made to of principals, teachers and heads of guidance and counselling on the benefits of peer counselling on learners in order to enhance learners’ mental health towards self enhancement.

IJRISS Call for paper

Key terms: Adolescents, Mental Health, Secondary schools, Mental wellbeing and Self Enhancement

I. Introduction

Students in secondary schools are in adolescence stage in their development. Allen et al. (2019) confirmed that as much as learners in secondary schools are undergoing substantial physical growth, they are equally bumping into new situations and responsibilities. This transition can be alarming, when instincts come into play; strong emotions often continue to energize their decisions. This can affect their mental health. According to WHO (2021), adolescents are prone to mental health challenges that affects them emotionally. They require a protective environment for growth.
Peer support are very instrumental for their psychosocial wellbeing and mental wellness (Maiwa, 2021). This in turn aid in helping learners to develop their self-enhancement. When peers use self enhancement positively, it leads to development of a positive mind-set that includes a sense of mastery, action orientation and developing resistance to stress. Self-enhancers will increase the responsibilities learners take and popularity among their peers. This in turn develop further their mental wellness (Dufner, 2018).

Objective of the Study

To assess the effects of peer counselling on learners’ mental wellness in boarding secondary schools towards enhancement of self.


HO1: Peer counselling has no statistically significant effect on learners’ mental wellness.

II. Literature Review

The literature review include: stress management, avoiding tantrums by being calm, expressing happiness, expressing fears and expressing sadness.

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