International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Jacklyne Nafula Sanyanda1, Dr. Lawrence Wainaina2
1,2Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Abstract: Managing resources is ensuring that employees and organizations achieve high levels of performance. However, in many organizations the performance of workers in different working conditions is less compared to their full potential in terms of skills, abilities and capacities.
Aim: of this study was to examine the effect of workplace conflict stress on the performance of Nurses in Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
Method: The study used explanatory study design. The target population was 2453 nurses working at Kenyatta National hospital. This study adopted stratified sampling technique. Selection of the respondents was through simple random sampling, a sample size of 332 respondents. Questionnaires were utilized in collecting primary data. The researcher used both inferential statistics and descriptive analysis in analyzing quantitative data.
Results: The study found that workplace conflict stress had a positive significant relationship with the performance of nurses in Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
Conclusion: The study concluded that workplace conflict had psychological as well as the physiological effects on both workers and managers, impacting their health and job efficiency, and it is a leading cause of absenteeism and low employee turnover.
Recommendation: The study recommended that Managers must understand and realize that the value they add to the company is in their dealings with people in order to cope with stress more effectively.
Keywords: Workplace Conflict Stress, Performance
The main purpose of managing employees is ensuring employees and organizations achieve high levels of performance. However, Kumar (2013) observed that the performance of workers in different working conditions is less compared to their full potential in terms of skills, abilities and capacities. Manjula (2010) argued that, the performance level generally is always below 50 percent of individual’s ability of performance. The performance of employee is influenced by work satisfaction and work stress the employee goes through. According to Choobineh, Hoboubi, Kamari Ghanavati, Keshavarzi and Akbar Hosseini (2016) work related stress is a significant cause of low quality of workers.
Stress is the response of an individual resulting either external or internal factors that place excessive psychological,