International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Nyapela Matthews Abijah
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Abstract: – Digital age is heavily characterized by the merits of advanced technologies where digital divide evidently features out to be a spectacular concern affecting development of knowledge geographical society. Due to this development, the innovation of new technology is unfairly utilized by the rich members of society at the expense of poor ones. Quite a lot of research work done in developed and developing countries testify to the evidence of this technological divide. This paper suggests appropriate solutions to reduce this technological imbalance. The objectives of this article is to elucidate fundamental indicators of information science in bridging the digital divide in institutions of higher learning with reference to the University of Nairobi, to assess information science initiatives being undertaken in mitigating such unfavorable divide, to examine how broadband subscription can be applied to support learning and research in universities, and to find out factors that influence ownership, use and non-use of digital information devices. This paper will also enhance effective remedy and equal access to information and communications technology in institutions of higher learning. Understanding this article will enable us to discover major factors that inhibit access and utility of digital information being transition of digitization of resources, poor internet connectivity, insufficient ICT devices, and lack of skills and familiarity in the use of the same. It goes ahead to recommend on the need to train and reposition the information professionals and custodians, formulation of information science programs, sufficient acquisition of ICT resources, enhancement of bandwidth management, and impartation of information science in schools. The ultimate conclusion underscores the initiative of institutions of higher education and learning to do everything possible in bridging digital divide, with regard to the need for enhancing information science and ICT courses in pre-university learning institution.
The future is heavily leaning on those people who are able to invent new skills in the realms of technology as they relate with natural science (Leslie, 2014:16). These are the kind of people who are aware of how to interact with information, occasioning the immediate requirement to appeal to information science owing to its significance.