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EFL Students’ Perceptions and Behaviors towards Writing Performance Based on Metacognitive Strategies

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186

EFL Students’ Perceptions and Behaviors towards Writing Performance Based on Metacognitive Strategies

Tamer Mohammad Al-Jarrah1*, Noraien Mansor1, Rania Hassan Talafhah2, Jarrah Mohammad Al-Jarrah3, Fedaa Mahmoud Al-Shorman4

IJRISS Call for paper

1Department of Language and Communication Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21300 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
2Assistant Professor of TEFL, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Yarmouk University, Jordan
3Assistant Professor of TEFL, Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Minnesota, USA
4Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Minnesota, USA
*Corresponding Author: Tamer Mohammad Al-Jarrah

Abstract:-Among all the learning strategies, metacognitive strategy is a higher-order executive skill which entails planning, monitoring and evaluating. Once learners have a good command of a metacognitive strategy, learners will become more independent and autonomous and will be more capable of planning, monitoring and evaluating their learning process and thus become efficient learners. This research aims to investigate the perceptions and behaviors of EFL students towards writing performance based on metacognitive strategies. The data was collected by Interview 10 students from the secondary school of Irbid, Jordan, the result was analyzed by using ATLAS.TI version 8. The results of the study showed the majority of students talked about the main role of using metacognitive strategies to improve writing performance while some students indicated for the difficulties of using metacognitive in their writing performance. Therefore, intends to introduce metacognitive instruction in order to raise EFL writing instructors’ awareness in teaching and in order to train students to become self-regulated learners.

Keywords: metacognitive strategies, writing performance, brainstorming, planning writing, monitoring writing, evaluating writing


Struggling writers are facing writing problems. These problems are strategic that need strategic writing techniques to be solved. Students with writing problems are not very thoughtful or are not going to a specific plan. They approach writing as if it involves a single process – content generation (Nagin, 2012). Paradoxically, their papers are impoverished in terms of content, vocab, organization, conventions and purpose.

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