International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Elucidating Empirical Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Nigeria
Nwokeoma Bonaventure N (PhD)
Department of Sociology/Anthropology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Abstract: The crime situation in Nigeria and indeed other parts of the world continue to be monstrous despite the efforts of the criminal justice system. The foundation of overcoming this challenge may be found in the adherence to well articulated empirical research/studies aimed at understanding and providing solutions to the ramifications of crime problems in Nigeria. Therefore, there is the urgent need to examine and highlight the methods of research in criminology and criminal justice. This is a theoretical paper which relied on secondary sources, observations and desk reviews to collect data. The data collected were analyzed using relevant thematic schemes. Relevant themes like types of research, research ethics data collection, qualitative and qualitative research and actual research process were examined. It was recommended that adherence to empirical research rather than media reports is the pathway to solving the crime problem in Nigeria.
Keywords: Elucidating; empirical research methods; Criminology; Criminal justice; Nigeria.
Criminology is the systematic study of the nature, extent and development of criminal behaviour while criminal justice administration refers to all the agencies and administrative processes that deals with the detection, apprehension, prosecution, conviction and punishment of a criminal offender. The major agencies of the criminal justice system are the police, judiciary and prisons. The approach to understanding and solving the crime problem in Nigeria, has put the use of empirical research at the back burner. Rather, they rely more on committee of enquiries and even media reports. This situation has not effectively helped the course of understanding and finding solutions to crime in Nigeria.
This paper therefore, provides the reader with basic knowledge of research in criminology and criminal justice. It provides the students, working professionals and interested stake holders with the necessary conceptual and methodological tools for undertaking criminological research applicable to a wide variety of topics, contexts and situations.
Study Objectives:
There are good reasons to learn about research methods in criminology and criminal justice.
1. The paper offers a good understanding of research methods in criminology and criminal justice.
2. The paper affords readers opportunity to learn more about the methods and procedures of using interview and questionnaire instruments to collect data when doing research in criminology.
3. The paper will enable the reader to gain more nuanced understanding of why, where, and how crime takes