RSIS International

Emerging Insecurity Challenges and its Impact on Quality Tertiary Education in Nigeria:m A case study of Delta State University, Abraka and Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue IX, September 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Emerging Insecurity Challenges and its Impact on Quality Tertiary Education in Nigeria:m A case study of Delta State University, Abraka and Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State (Sponsored by Tetfund)

Agazuma Ehigiamusor Solomon1, Mochi Solomon2
1Department of Political Science, College of Education, Igueben, Nigeria
2Department of General Education, College of Education, Igueben, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: No nation can attain development in all ramifications in the absence of peace, justice and security. The level of insecurity challenges in Nigeria has assumed an alarming dimension that does not only require a narrow approach in tackling it but a multi dimensional approach. Matters of safety and security remain an integral part of any human society irrespective of seize and structure. The impact of this massive sense of insecurity in tertiary institutions and indeed other similar sectors cannot be overestimated. The study investigates the cause, impact and possible ways of tackling the ugly insecurity situation that is ravaging the educational system in the country with Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State and Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State in focus. Two research questions and one null hypothesis were used for this research. A descriptive survey research design was adopted and a total population of 3,211 respondents, mainly comprising of staff and students of the institutions selected for the study. A total of 682 respondents were selected for the study using the random and proportionate-stratified sampling method. A correlation index of 0.81 was obtained to determine the reliability of the instrument that is, the questionnaire which was self-designed. Responses to the questions raised were analyzed using the mean statistics and the hypotheses were tested using the chi square statistics of 0.05level of significance. Furthermore, the results of the analysis revealed the causes of insecurity in Nigeria, its impact on the educational system, the different dimensions of insecurity in the state and how it has significantly affects the quality of education and academic performance in tertiary institutions including the magnitude of damages done to the sector and government readiness to respond adequately in tackling the disturbing crisis. At the end, the study advocated possible ways of curtailing the crisis situation in the country, so as to avoid total breakdown of law and order in the system. Finally, the study among others recommends the need for proper and regular training and retraining of teacher or lecturers/students and school administrators on the rudiments of teaching not just lecturing and the need for security tips, moral, professional ethics and good conduct in the educational system. Furthermore, it also recommends that efforts should be made by school administrators as well as all stakeholders in the education industry to ensure that schools are adequately protected to ward off and to completely discouraged issues relating to oppression, extortion from students, intimidations, sales of marks, intruders and possible invaders,.

Keyword: Insecurity, Education sector, Quality education, Government and Social problem


The high level of insecurity in Nigeria has become a social problem and a hydra-headed muster that cannot be over-emphasized because of its far-reaching implications and direct consequences on education, the economy and society in general. Most worrisome is the emerging new forms insecurity challenges in contemporary Nigeria which have taking a disturbing dimension to the extent that it has almost crippled the various sectors, especially the education sector in Nigeria. For example, recently, the country witnessed a total breakdown of law and order due to what the Nigeria youths described as “End SARS Protest,