International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Enhance students’ performance in weekday mode: A case study at University of Vocational Technology
D.D.D. Suraweera, K. G. Alahapperuma
University of Vocational Technology
University of Vocational Technology delivers Bachelor of Technology degrees to students with National Vocational Qualifications. National Vocational Qualification holders are different from traditional full-time university students, as they possess highly employable diploma level qualifications. The university offers courses as both, weekday programmes and weekend programmes. Average performance of students in weekday mode has shown to be weaker compared to students in weekend mode. This study attempted to identify factors that affect performance of students in weekday programmes. Tinto’s model of student retention and drop out was used to conceptualise this descriptive survey study. Hard copies of a structured questionnaire were distributed among 97 participants, who have completed the degree in weekday mode. However, response rate was only 47.4 percent. The questionnaire addressed both, students’ individual factors and institutional factors related to their academic performance. Positive responses were received for both, individual and institutional factors. However, findings show that there is a great scope for improvement of factors related to both academic integration and institutional-related social integration in order to increase the graduation rate. Recommendations are to reveal the marking scheme just after each semester end examination and early release of results together with revision of continuous assessments with appropriate frequent feedback etc. Social factors of students may be improved with establishment of extra-curricular activities, sports and social events in academic calendar and introduction of more group activities during subject module delivery. Facilitation with better health services and provision of special training for student advisors are also recommended.
Key words: Academic and social factors; Graduation; National vocational qualifications; University of Vocational Technology; Weekday programmes
University of Vocational Technology delivers Bachelor of Technology(B.Tech) degrees to National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) holders, and degree courses are offered in two modes; as weekday and weekend programmes. National Vocational Qualification holders are different from traditional full-time university students, as they possess highly employable diploma level qualifications, they can be considered as unconventional students. University of Vocational Technology (UoVT) is the only university in Sri Lanka which offers degrees to NVQ holders.