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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

 Enhancing Development Potential of Diaspora Communities, Experiences of Zimbabweans Living in Botswana

Kwazinkosi Sibanda1, Mlisa Jasper Ndlovu2, George Shava3, Eldon Zulu4, Samantha Shonhiwa5
1Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana
2National University of Science and Technology, P O Box 939, Ascot, Bulawayo
3National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
4National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
5National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The study examined the development potential of the Zimbabwean diaspora communities living in Botswana. The current study sought to fill a gap in the interrogation of the willingness and capacity of Zimbabweans living in Botswana to participate in development projects in Zimbabwe. The research was carried out in Botswana using mail and electronic questionnaires, in depth interviews and ethnographic data. Fifty mail survey respondents, 7 electronic survey respondents and 12 in depth study respondents were used in the current study. The mixed method approach used yielded data that could not have been obtained with one method only. Using the transnational capability framework, the research established the existence of both skilled and unskilled Diaspora in Botswana. The study observed that the Zimbabwean community in Botswana is actively involved in transnational activities. The study established that there is willingness to participate in the advancement of their families and communities in Zimbabwe. There are some challenges that hinder the full participation of the Diaspora community that were noted in the study. The shorter periods covered by permits affect the migrants’ capacity to access loans from banks or engage in long term planning as they risk non-renewal of permits. On the Zimbabwean side the economic and political uncertainty affect the commitment by some Zimbabweans in the diaspora to invest in Zimbabwe. The possibility of engagement between Zimbabweans in the diaspora is affected by lack of trust between the current government and the citizens in the Diaspora. The study recommended that the government of Zimbabwe should create a database of Zimbabweans living in Botswana to determine and tap the available skills base for capacity building. The Governments of Botswana and Zimbabwe are recommended to discuss extension of permits and granting of dual citizens to Zimbabwean applicants for the benefit of both countries. There is also need for the Zimbabwean Government to reduce duty on capital goods to allow the Diaspora community to bring productive capital for investment.

Key Words: development potential; diaspora communities; transnationalism; transnational capability framework; capabilities; development partners.

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