RSIS International

 Enhancing Environmental Sustainability through Recycled Plastics and Polyethylene in Port Harcourt Urban

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue VIII, August 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

 Enhancing Environmental Sustainability through Recycled Plastics and Polyethylene in Port Harcourt Urban

Ayagere Selete Ayebaemi1*, Bumaa Felix Neeka2, Amakiri-whyte Belema Henry3, Aselemi Akeuloghonaan Ernest4, Iyowuna Jonah5, Ubani, Princewill6
1,2,3,4 Department of Architecture, Kenule Beeson Saro-wiwa Polytechnic Bori Nigeria
5Department of Surveying and Geomatic, Rivers State University Port Harcourt, Nigeria
6Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Kenule Beeson Saro-wiwa Polytechnic Bori Nigeria
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The system of plastics and polyethylene recycling that enhance sustainable environment remains contemporary issues globally. This is relevant given the decline of marine debris, street and neighbourhood littering. However, this appears not to increase complete environment sustainability in the third world country like Nigeria going by both practices, statutory and strategic consideration. The research consequently unveils socio-economic implications of plastics and polyethylene recycling in Port Harcourt and analyse environmental sustainability through plastics and polyethylene recycling. In furtherance, the research acquired data via the plastics and polythene sustainable environment achievement (PPSEA) whereas standardized coefficient (beta) regression analysis and chi-square analysis method were the investigative tools employed. The result of the analysis revealed significant relation between plastics/polyethylene recycling and socio-economic characteristics at (R2 = 0.966, significant at 0.01) clarifying 96.6% socio economic importance of recycled plastics and polyethylene (population, employment, income, household size and education). This implies that the five aforementioned are the socio-economic advantages of plastics and polyethylene recycling globally. The analysis added that significant relation occur between plastic/polyethylene recycling and environmental sustainability at (x2 = 126.44, df 1, p = 0.05>0.00) in Port Harcourt urban space. This implies that recycling of plastics and polyethylene reduces dissimilar environmental pollution while the article resolved with recommendations on practices that advocate for the need and utmost concern of the government to embark on a strong environmental awareness programmes that educate both the households, streets, communities, authorities, cities and industries on healthy environment through plastics and polyethylene recycling of global standard.

Keywords: Environment, Sustainability, Recycling, Plastics, polyethylene and Enhanced