RSIS International

Enhancing RSA Security Capability Using Public Key Modification 

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Enhancing RSA Security Capability Using Public Key Modification

 Sarjiyus, O.
Department of Computer Science, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This research, Enhancing RSA Security Capability Using Public Key Modification is basically a modification of the public key parameter in the existing RSA in order to enhance the security and performance of the algorithm, all in an effort to secure the confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of sensitive data during internet transactions. The purpose is to design an RSA technique that accords faster key generation and raises security to a more secure, higher level ahead of the existing RSA technique by the ‘e’ to ‘f’ transformation. Factorization attacks are very common and have a devastating effect on RSA by compromising the privacy of data. These have been overcome in the improved RSA algorithm by choosing two prime numbers, p and q so large enough to make it hardly possible for attackers to factor out the components of the modulus n, and freely, get the exact value of the totient function, Փ (n) for which they can possibly, easily use to deduce the value of the private key‘d’. For the performance parameter, inputs were captured primarily from the prime numbers p and q used to define the modulus n, the public key value, e; while the outputs range from designated data sizes in (kb), encryption and decryption times (in Secs) for the two algorithms. The result show that in the context of security, the improved RSA technique based on public key transformation produced more complex ciphers than the existing RSA technique during encryption process thereby enhancing the security of the modified RSA. For performance, the improved RSA shows a slight increase in time complexity in the encryption process, but not in decryption. Hence, the new RSA technique is most suitably used for systems desiring high security but less speed of execution.
Keywords: Key generation, Private Key, Public Key, Security, Sensitive Data, Technique.