International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6194
Achogo, Wisdom Hezekiah1, Eleonu, Blessing Chikaodi2, Nnoka, Love Cherukei3
1Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, P.M.B 5047 Rumuolumeni, Nigeria
2,3Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Rumuola, P.M.B 5936 Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Abstract: The study investigated entropy generation on thermal transfer in MHD natural convection of Cu-H2O nanofluid in a porous medium with heat generation/absorption. A set of partial differential equations with copper nanoparticles were used. The partial differential equations were non-dimensioned with various dimensionless quantities in order to obtain forms whose solutions can be easily obtained. The partial differential equations were later transformed into ordination differential equations through a two term perturbation technique which were later solved using method of undetermined coefficient to obtain the exact solutions for the energy and momentum equations. The exact solutions for momentum and energy were later used to estimate the entropy generation. Using the exact solutions; plots were done with the aid of standard parameters to estimate the variational effects of parameters that entered the flow field and from the plots; it was observed that thermal radiation decreased the temperature of the fluid. Heat generation/absorption parameter increased the temperature of the fluid. The effective thermal conductivity increased the temperature of the fluid. Peclet number decreased the velocity of the fluid. Reynolds number decreased the fluid velocity. Peclet number, Reynolds number and heat generation rapidly increased and decreased the entropy generation at the lower and upper plates respectively.
Keywords: Entropy generation, Nanofluid, Magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)
Thermal conductivity plays a vital role in warmness transfer enhancement. Conventional heat switch fluids along with water, ethylene glycol (EG), kerosene oil and lubricant oils have negative thermal conductivities compared to solids. Solids debris however have better thermal conductivities in comparison to traditional warmth switch fluids. Choi (1995) in his pioneering paintings indicated that when a small quantity of nanoparticles .is added to not unusual base fluids, it will increase extensively the thermal conductivity of the base fluids in addition to their convective warmness transfer rate. This combination is known as nanofluids. More precisely, nanofluids are suspensions of nano-length debris in base fluids. Usually nanofluids include specific sorts of nanoparticles inclusive of oxides, metals and carbides in generally base fluids like water, EG, propylene glycol and kerosene oil. Some unique packages of nanofluids are located in various digital equipment, energy supply, energy generation, air con and manufacturing. Vajjha and Das (2009) for the first time used EG (60 %) and water (forty %) aggregate as base fluid for the preparation of alumina (Al2O3), copper oxide (CuO) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanofluids. At the identical temperature and attention,