International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Teaching Economics at the Senior High School Level
Emmanuel Baffour Gyau1* , John Osei-Mensah2, George Amonoo3, Samuel Akowuah4
1Institute of Science and Technology Information, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China
2Business Department, St. Louis Senior High School, Kumasi, Ghana
3Social Science Department, Adisadel College, Cape Coast, Ghana
4School of Management, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China
Abstract: This study evaluates the effectiveness of teaching economics in some selected senior high schools in the Cape Coast municipality. The teaching of economics at the senior high school level seems to be beset with certain factors and these makes it difficult for teachers as they seek to improve the teaching of Economics in their role in nation building. The study therefore sought to find out how to improve the teaching of economics in the senior high school level. The study was conducted in the central region of Ghana with schools selected from the Cape Coast metropolis. Thirty (30) teachers from seven (7) senior high schools were used in the study. The convenience sampling technique was employed and to gather data, the questionnaire was the instrument used. Percentages and Frequencies were used to analyze the data. The research concluded that, majority of economics teachers are qualified with academic qualification of first degree, sufficient allocation on the time for teaching economics, inadequacy of teaching and learning resources, and teachers use more of the discussion method of teaching. To reduce, if not to eliminate, the factors that affect the effectiveness of teaching economics so as to improve teaching economics in the senior high school, adequate time, qualified teachers, teaching training and better methods of teaching should be employed to make teaching economics in the senior high more effective.
Keywords: Economics, effective teaching, senior high school, teacher, education
Education is very important as far as every country’s development and progress is concerned. Thus, contemporary development Economist attributes the wealth of nations to luck or education (learning) but learning is generally accepted to be sure way. Nations that assume to know everything already are likely to be pretty poor at learning with untold ripple effects on the economic growth and development. This assertion is supported by facts from countries such as Singapore, China, Malaysia and others who appear to develop at much faster pace than many countries owing to their affinity with learning even in the midst of intense scarcity of natural resources (Adelman, 2001). As education is the gateway to the development of every nation’s human and capital resources, Ghana is not an exception. Some of the subjects that lead to the development of every nation’s human and capital resources are Agricultural Science, Mathematics, Geography, Economics etc. Of all these subjects, the one which is of interest to the researchers is the teaching of Economics.