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Evaluation of Chemistry Laboratory Facilities in Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State, Nigeria.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Evaluation of Chemistry Laboratory Facilities in Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State, Nigeria

Chinda Worokwu
Department of Chemistry, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, P.M.B, Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria.

IJRISS Call for paper

The study evaluated the availability and utilization of chemistry laboratory facilities of tertiary institutions in Rivers. The design of the study was evaluation survey design involving Chemistry laboratories. The population included heads of schools, heads of the Chemistry subject lecturers for Chemistry courses and chief laboratory technologist. Sample in this study included six Tertiary institutions in Rivers state via purposive sampling is the procedure The instruments for data collection was Laboratory Facilities Inventory(LFI) developed by the research and semester results of students The experts checked for clarity of inventory items, and make necessary corrections that improved the instrument. The instrument was subjected to a test retest method of reliability. The information gotten was used in estimating the reliability index which will yield a coefficient of 0.82 using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The data collected was analyzed using mean standard deviation and Analysis of Variance for Regression .The result of the study shows that some laboratory facilities are available and utilized. The finding further reveals that there is significant influence of laboratory facilities utilization on students’ academic performance as measured in CGPA. Therefore, the study recommends that government should ensure adequate provision of laboratory facilities, schools should source funds from organizations like NGOs to equip the laboratory

Keywords: Evaluation, Laboratory, Facilities and Tertiary


Science and technology are imperious for a viable, liable and universal growth. From side to side the application of science, man guarantees the durability of his life in findings, novelty and discoveries that have better the worth of his existence. Advanced countries of the world are so termed because of their progress and development in science and technology. For Nigeria to be called an advanced country of the world there is the need to make science more motivating amongst populace and make sure that there is effective teaching of sciences in our schools (Ikiroma & Chinda,2013).
Chemistry is one of the central components of technology. It is a branch of science that deals with the applied and investigational understanding of natural occurrences. The learning of chemistry entrails from the simple to a more difficult, therefore Chemistry is more of practice than a product. A very vital feature in the teaching of Chemistry is the approaches and resources engaged in conveying knowledge. The teaching and learning

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