International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Evaluation of Flexible Pavement by Using Dynamic Cone Penetration Test
Rajana Raja Kumar1, K Vamsi Satyanarayana2, Dr. N C Anil3, P Sanyasi Naidu4
1PG Student, 2Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor, 4Assistant Professor,
1,2,3,4Civil Engineering & Sanketika Institute of Technology and Management, Andhra Pradesh, India
Abstract—Over the past four decades, the share of total rail and road traffic carrying passengers and goods has gradually increased from about 24 percent and 11 percent, respectively, in 1951 to about 80 percent and 58 percent, respectively, in 1990. Road length has increased correspondingly, from 0.4 million km in 1951 to 2 million km, giving a road density of 59 km/100km2. Because of fast and ever-increasing industrial, commercial, and other socioeconomic development activities, the road transport vehicle population, particularly vehicles population, particularly vehicles carrying goods, has also increased phenomenally during this period.
Because of economies in road transportation, overloading by truck operators is common. The majority of the arterial road system experiences overloading, as much as 18 to 20-tonne axle loads versus the permissible legal limit of 10.2 tones. The existing road network has shown signs of premature distress because of the unexpected demands of growing traffic volume and heavier axle loads. The network has fallen short of its structural capacity and hence it is greatly overstrained. The majority of allocated funds are utilized for providing M&R measures to the existing network rather than for new construction. The funds being provided for the arterial road network are on the order of 50 to 60 percent of the amount needed.
With this background, in the present study, a road sections were identified in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh to carry out the pavement performance study on distresses. For the selected stretch data was collected on rutting, raveling, potholes, edge failures, traffic, etc and soil samples of the subgrade for the determination of laboratory or insitu moisture content. The detailed analysis was performed using NCSS statistical tool and to develop a pavement performance model for the selected stretch. Based on surrounding soil values the California bearing ratio values are taken in to consideration for designs.
Key words: Dynamic cone penetration test (DCP), Million standard axles (msa), CBR Values, IRC:37-2001, Empirical models, mechanistic empirical models