RSIS International

Evaluation Of Institutional Determinants Of E-Government Adoption In The National Government Administrative Units In Kenya: A Case Of Migori County

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Evaluation Of Institutional Determinants Of E-Government Adoption In The National Government Administrative Units In Kenya: A Case Of Migori County

Christopher Ogola1, Dr. Andrew Nyang’au2
1Department Of Management, School Of Business And Economics, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
2Department Of Accounting And Finance, School Of Business And Economics, Kisii University, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Implementation of electronic government initiatives is a major goal in Kenya as evident in the country’s National ICT Master Plan of 2018-2023. In 2011, the access and usage of computers was estimated at 8.4 per cent and the use of Internet to access government services was at 6.3 per cent. By 2017, the use of computers was reported by 75.1 per cent of public sector employees and the provision of online government services had increased to 43.4 per cent of the public institutions. However, even with the increased usage of modern technologies by most government institutions, the National Government Administrative Units in Kenya are not keeping pace in adopting new technologies. Paper-based service delivery in the sector has caused inefficiencies which has negatively affected provision of services. This study therefore evaluated the institutional determinants of electronic government adoption in the National Government Administrative Units in Kenya, with a reference to Migori County. The study specifically investigated the role of Top Management Support, ICT Policy Framework, Human Resource Capacity and ICT infrastructure in determining utilization of electronic government in National Government Administrative Units in Migori County. Two theories, the Diffusion of Innovation theory and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology were utilized to guide this study. The study employed quantitative research methodology and descriptive research design. The target population comprised the 340 National Government Administrative Officers in Migori County and a sample of 184 respondents was selected for the study using stratified sampling. Closed-ended questionnaires were used in the study. The questionnaires were validated by the researcher’s supervisor and their reliability was above 0.7. The response rate was 90.8%. The collected data was analyzed descriptively for mean, frequencies and standard deviation using SPSS version 22. The study also utilized inferential analysis for correlation and regression to provide complete relationships between the study variables. Regression and correlation results indicated a positive and significant relationship between institutional determinants and adoption of electronic government in National Government administrative units in Migori County. The study therefore concluded that a willing and supportive management, implementation of ICT policy framework, skilled human resource and good ICT infrastructure leads to adoption and smooth running of e-government platforms. Moreover, the study recommended managerial and policy adjustments so as to further enhance successful utilization of more electronic government programs in National Government Administrative Units.

Keywords: Institutional Determinants, National Government Administrative Units, E-government Adoption


1.1 Background to the Study

The world operates on technological innovations that are increasingly changing how governments operate, interrelate, and serve the citizens (Bertot, Grimes & Jaeger, 2012). The innovations that would have been regarded as science fiction a few years ago are now increasingly being used, such as the internet, computers, smart phones, global information networks, virtual reality etcetera. According to Muchira (2016), the use of modern technologies has redesigned industries, cultures, politics and social order in the society. In the public sector, Piret (2015) notes that technology is intrinsic to what governments do, not only in the provision of services such as