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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XI, November 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Examining Leadership Behaviour Pattern in Public Technical Universities in Ghana

Godwin Kwesi Yawotse
Dean’s Office, School of Biological Sciences, College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Leadership behaviour patterns play a dynamic role for the attainment of employee performance, which is very key to the survival and growth of institutions. The purpose of this research was to establish the effects of leadership behaviour of Management and Supervisors on employee performance at two Technical Universities in Ghana. Both primary and secondary data were relied upon as sources of data for the survey. Data were generated and analysed from questionnaires and interview schedules. Correlation Pearson analysis was computed to establish the degree of association between leadership behaviour and employee performance. The results revealed that there is a strong association between leadership behaviour – monitoring operations and employee quality of performance. Regression analysis was also computed to determine the effects of leadership behaviour on employee performance. The study further revealed that leadership behaviour is positively associated with employee performance and therefore monitoring of operations affects quality of performance positively. The more leaders monitored the activities or work of their followers, the more employee performed their work well. The study also ascertained the most dorminant leadership behaviour among leaders at two Technical Universities in Ghana. The findings were that the most dominant leadership behaviour among the leaders was delegating of responsibilities, followed by monitoring of operations, empowering of employees, problem solving, directing and empathy and support. The study recommended that the Principal Officers at Public Technical Universities should encourage leaders to balance their leadership behaviour pattern. Leaders should practice both task-oriented and relation-oriented behaviours based on given situation. Management should intermittently organize training programmes for leaders at various levels of the University to improve upon their leadership skills in areas such as problem solving, monitoring operations and interpersonal relations skills. Employees/subordinates should be made to appreciate that diverse leadership behaviours were relevant for the attainment of performance at the university.

Key words: Leadership behaviour, monitoring operations, problem solving, delegating, empowerment, directing, empathy and support, employee performance, management, and supervisors.


The study of leadership behaviour is characterized by a superfluity of theories, models, and approaches [84], [91]. Leadership is a universal concept and has been defined and studied from a wide variety of perspectives and disciplinary approaches. Leadership is vital whenever people come together, hence leaders who provide leadership have multiple tasks because leadership is combined with different hierarchical levels, specifically at individuals, units and organisational levels [63]. Earlier studies on leadership

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