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Experimental Investigation for the Solar Pond Performance at changing its depth in Kerbela city of Iraq

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue X, October 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705

Experimental Investigation for the Solar Pond Performance at changing its depth in Kerbela city of Iraq

Mohammed Hassan Abbood1, Mohammed Alhwayzee2, and Muhammad Abdul Hussein Sultan3*
1, 3M.Sc. Student, Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Kerbala, Kerbala City, Iraq
2Petroleum Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Kerbala, Kerbala City, Iraq
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: A solar pond is an application that is used to store large amounts of thermal energy. Solar pond with a salinity gradient was constructed in this research salt containing sodium chloride was used with a concentration of 26%. Initial experiments were conducted with 0.3m thickness of the pond lower zone, then the thickness was changed to 0.4m. It was conducted in Iraq at Karbala (32.55°N, 43.97°E). Useful energy and thermal efficiency are key factors used to measure the performance of a solar pond. The results showed that solar radiation could be got at about 1 pm. The results also showed that the maximum lower zone’s temperature of the pond with a thickness 0.3m and 0.4m is about 46.2 °C and 49.2 °C respectively. It was also concluded that changing the thickness of the lower zone improves the thermal energy, useful energy and thermal efficiency of solar pond by 6.5%, 21.7% and 14.5% respectively.

Keywords: solar energy, solar pond with a salinity gradient, sodium chloride, thickness of lower zone.


Solar energy accessing the surface of the earth is adequate to meet current global energy needs if used properly. Solar ponds are one type of solar energy system that could be used. Due to its construction method and size, a solar pond is a low-cost energy gathering and storage technology. The pond can be dug in the ground. The solar pond with a salinity gradient, is a pond with a salinity gradient built into it. The salt concentration mixed with water, in particular, grows with depth. [1].

The solar pond functions as an energy collector as well as a long-term thermal storage device. Divided the solar pond into three zones: the upper convective zone (UCZ), the non-convective zone (NCZ), and the lower convective zone (LCZ). UCZ is a uniform layer of fresh water at a temperature of about the temperature of the surrounding environment [2].

As the salt concentration in NCZ grows with depth, this layer acts as an insulator as well as a collecting and storage medium for heat. The third region is the LCZ, which has a relatively constant salt and temperature and serves as a primary mediator for heat accumulation, storage, and removal [2].