International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VII, July 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Experimental Investigation of Natural Convection Heat Transfer from Vertical Grooved Plates
Pralesh A. Lawande
Department of Mechanical Engineering, D. Y. Patil School of Engineering Academy, Ambi, Maharashtra, India
Abstract— The areas such as microelectronic cooling, especially in central processing units, macro and micro scale heat exchangers, gas turbine internal airfoil cooling, fuel elements of nuclear power plants, and bio medical devices here heat transfer enhancement concept is used .In this work experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer from vertical roughened surfaces has been carried out. The effect of variation in surface roughness and heat input on convective heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number has also been evaluated. Natural convection from heat transfer from vertical roughened plates has experimentally been compared to that of plain plate. Three different roughened surfaces are made by varying pitch and by varying the depth of roughness. With increase in surface roughness the heat transfer rate, convective heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number increases compared with plain plate.
Keywords- Crossed groove, Natural Convection, Heat Transfer, Vertical Plates, Heat transfer coefficient, Nusselts number.
Natural convection represents a limit on the heat transfer rates and this becomes a very important consideration for problems in which other modes are either not possible or not practical. This free convection mostly used in electronic cooling system where the circuit boards represents a naturally enhanced free convection situation .In other application where the heat dissipating surface is normally smooth, it may be necessary to enhance the surface to achieve the desired temperature level for this achievement two methods we can employed first one add vertical fins and second one roughening the surfaces. The work by M. J .Sable[ 1 ] taking Plain vertical plates vertical fin array, V fin array of different sizes and carried out experimentation. and he concluded heat transfer coefficient for V fin array plates is more than rest of plates.
Heat transfer by free convection is the scope of this research work, this convection is present in both nature and man- made engineering system such on oceanic currents, wind formation oversea and in the rising plum of hot air from fire.