The Factor of Attitude towards the Implementation of the Aural – Oral Skills Component of the 9 – Year English Studies Curriculum at JSS Level in Katsina State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue V, May 2018 | ISSN 2454-6186

The Factor of Attitude towards the Implementation of the Aural – Oral Skills Component of the 9 – Year English Studies Curriculum at JSS Level in Katsina State, Nigeria

GIDE, Umar Saleh1, IBRAHIM, Mohammed2

IJRISS Call for paper

 1Ph.D, College of Education, Alqalam University, Katsina, Nigeria
2 Ph.D, Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

Abstract:- This study assessed two variables related to the implementation of the English Aural – Oral Skills Component of the 9 – Year English Studies Curriculum at the Junior Secondary School (JSS) level in Katsina state. The objective was to find out whether the attitude of both teachers and students is favourable to the teaching and learning of the two skills. Two research questions related to the variables were used to guide the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data for the research. Forty one public, twelve community and eleven private JSS were used as school samples for the study. The target population was made up of 456 teachers of English and 170, 368 JSS students in all the 318 public, community and private JSS in Katsina State. The sample was made up of 210 teachers and 384 students proportionately distributed across the 64 sampled schools to reflect types of schools and Educational Zones. Simple frequency counts and percentages were used to analyse the questionnaires. The major findings from the study showed that the attitude of both teachers and students is not sufficiently favourable for the successful implementation of the English Studies curriculum. This is in consideration that the English aural – oral skills are the backbone of the English language. In the light of the findings the researcher recommended among others that education authority and school proprietors should organise sensitization programmes to reorient teachers on the need to give primacy and importance to the teaching of the aural – oral skills. The researcher also proposed integrated approach to teaching the language so that students would be made to see the relationship among the skills in order to bring to limelight that oral skills can be instrumental to learning other skills.

Key words: Curriculum JSS Language Oral Skill Aural Skill