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Factors Influencing Sachet Table Water Marketing in Gombe State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue IX, September 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Factors Influencing Sachet Table Water Marketing in Gombe State, Nigeria

Hamidu, K., Panwal, E. F., Saleh, A., Joseph, M. and Tarki, S. K.
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Kashere, P.M.B 0182, Gombe State – Nigeria.

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The study examined the factors influencing sachet table water marketing in Gombe state, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used. Gombe state 70 sachet table water marketing enterprises were purposively selected. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis with X1= Cost of holding stock, X2= Cost of obtaining stock, X3= Cost of stock, X4= Physical stock, X5= Replenishment, X6= Safety stock, X7= Maximum stock, X8= Reorder level, X9= Unfulfilled request, X10= Lead time as parameters used. Where the result reveals that cost of holding stock (X1) and cost of stock (X3) were statistically significant at p<0.01; replenishment order (X5) was significant at 1%; R2 was 0.974 and F-value 202.509***. The citizens of Gombe were recommended to engage in sachet table water marketing as it could be a profitable venture.

Keywords: Factors, Influencing, Marketing, Sachet, Table and Water.


The history of ancient civilizations indicated that humans established themselves around water sources (Anyamene & Ojiagu, 2014). Water has an economic value in all its competing uses, the most abundant substance in nature and occupies about 70% of the earth’s crust, should be recognized as “an economic good” as how private water firms, international institutions, states, and other actors have increasingly framed water in these economic terms, rather than as a public good or an entitlement (United Nations, 1992; Anyamene & Ojiagu, 2014). Defenders of public water argue that such an approach provides a justification for commodifying public goods. The status of water is “irrevocably ambiguous,” neither public good nor private good and along with other scholars (Bakker, 2010; Kurland & Zell, 2010). Water is viewed as a common-pool or common-property resource, on the other hand municipal water supplies as a clear example of a public good which