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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Feasibility Analysis of Processing Of Cow Skin Crackers Stick at Small Scale Home Industry, Mataram, NTB, Indonesia

E. Basuki*, V C.B. Harto, R. Widyasari
Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry, University of Mataram, Indonesia 83125
Corresponding Author*

IJRISS Call for paper


General activities carried out by UD. IJOE Mataram, NTB, Indonesia is processing cowskin into cowcracker products. The processing stages are carried out starting from the preparation, slicing, drying, sizing, frying, and packaging process. Processing activities is still simple and almost uses human labor. The feasibility analysis is calculated from equipment depreciation costs, building costs and maintenance costs, variable costs consisting of raw material costs, packaging costs, fuel costs, labor costs, etc. Analysis of the benefits of the cracker skin industry is on the total revenue and the total cost. The business feasibility analysis consists of Revenue / Cost (R / C) Benefit / Cost (B / C) ratio, Return on Investment (ROI). Based on the results of the feasibility analysis, the values obtained were respectively Rp. 1.26 <1, Rp. 26, 26% This figure has been calculated in two times the order process and has a value with and becomes a viable home industry when calculated by business feasibility analysis.

Key words: BC Ratio, cowskin cracker, feasibility analysis.


Agro-industry is a business to increase sector efficiency agriculture to grow to be a very productive activity through the process of agricultural modernization. Modernization in the industrial sector on a national scale can increase the value added revenue so that export revenues will be greater [5]. Basically, the agro-industry business is faced with tighter competition so that it must be able to produce products or services that are highly competitive in the business to come first market share, while avoiding the market. [4]. One small business that has very potential prospects for developed in NTB is a business of making cowhide crackers. Based on the results of basic research, the economic potential of small businesses is very dependent on the value of business development being carried out. Most of the small businesses in the home industry sector especially cracker businesses, are rapidly increasing. Although the amount of investment in the home industry is relatively small, it absorbs quite a lot of labor and increases people’s income. Based on the capabilities of this home industry, it is necessary to extend the home industry. The cracker business is a snack that made from animal skin, which has been traditionally processed for immediate consumption. The process of frying these crackers is done by cleaning the cow skin, boiling, slicing and seasoning, drying in the sun, then frying into crackers, a process that is done like frying chips in general. Every business needs an understanding of whether or not it is worth the effort to build. In this research, a business feasibility study is a method or method consisting of various aspects of assessment to determine whether a business to be carried out is feasible or not. So it can be said that it is also a very powerful forecasting tool to find out the possibilities that will occur, and to immediately make decisions on the results obtained, namely to accept or reject the effort.
UD. IJOE is one of the home industry in NTB that makes snack creations using cowhide. UD. IJOE was founded in 1990, each year the company is growing both in terms of production and export coverage. Initially, sales were made around the city of Mataram by selling from house to house, but gradually already has its own customers and finally have reached various places in NTB and even to Java . The brand product that is produced is “DJEMPOL” Stick Skin Crackers, which is processed independently, namely by one’s own family or assisted by neighbors. The raw materials used are obtained from slaughterhouses, because cowhide processing is only limited to making crackers. It is not uncommon for raw materials to be purchased directly in the form of dry skin from Java, this can make it easier because dry skin can be fried directly. This is an important factor that greatly influences the trust and satisfaction of consumers, because the trust and satisfaction of these consumers will determine the success and progress of a home industry. The aim of this article is give the impression the feasibility analysis on the production of cowhide crackers at UD. IJOE.,small scale home industry, Mataram, NTB.


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