International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Festivals in Africa and Social Mobilization
Gregory E. Ogbenika(Ph.D)
Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Seminary of All Saints, Uhiele-Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
Abstract: – Festivals are very important to the African people. This can be observed from the experiences of the people in Traditional African Societies and this is still very much prevalent in Traditional African societies. They are not only important for the observation of time which can be seen in reality through the seasons of the year, but can also serve the function of social mobilization and cohesion. Although, on many occasions, the reasons for these festivals have been abused by some social deviants in the society, it however, still continues to play its role in contemporary societal life. The aim of this paper therefore, is to reiterate the importance of festivals to present day African people and also showcase its relevance to the world at large. In other words, the people of a particular society should set aside moments, seasons, periods or epochs to celebrate their life, experiences, culture and heritage. This can help in promoting unity and sense of purpose among the people. We shall utilize critical, analytical and hermeneutical method in examining this paper.
In traditional African society there are many concepts that have been examined philosophically. one of these is the concept of festival. Every aspect of the traditional African societies marked with one festival or the other. Festivals in Traditional African Society are in form of rituals, sacrifices and ceremonies. There are countless numbers of festivals celebrated in Traditional African Societies; this paper tends to give a general analysis about festival in the above mentioned context. In this paper some basic terminologies shall clarified and the focal point of this paper which is the concept of festival in Traditional African Societies is briefly elucidated with the citations of some ethnic groups within the traditional African societies.
The term philosophy has been defined differently by various philosophers over the years, since the establishment of the discipline, there has not been a consensus among philosophers about the universal definition of the discipline.