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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VI, June 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Flexural Strength Behavior of Ceramic Coarse Aggregate Added Bamboo Reinforced Beam

Ansu P Thomas1*, Deepa Davis2

IJRISS Call for paper

1,2Department of Civil Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally, India

Abstract: -The bamboo is generally a giant grass plant having the strength and durability properties comparable with timber and steel. The weight-strength ratio of the bamboo is more than that of timber and steel. Large amount of ceramic wastes are producing from the ceramic industries every year. The ceramic wastes are known to be non bio degradable materials which cause much pollution problems in the environment. These materials can be reused for different purposes including construction will make a way for innovations in sustainable construction development. Here in the project ceramic waste coarse aggregate are partially replaced in percentage for coarse aggregate with bamboo as reinforcement. The optimum replacement value of the ceramic aggregates was obtained from compression tests on ceramic added concrete cubes and flexural strength of optimum % ceramic aggregate added bamboo reinforced beam was found out. Analysis and comparison of the optimum % ceramic aggregate added bamboo reinforced beam was then done with normally reinforced concrete beam.

Key words: Ceramic aggregate, Bamboo reinforcement, Flexural strength


The concrete as a construction material has been used in construction from about two centuries. The global production of the ceramic tiles in the world is about 8500 million square meters, this amounts is about 400 million square in Iran. The ceramic wastes are created due to the flows in the production of the ceramic materials. The non-decaying waste materials cause a waste disposal crisis, thereby contributing to the environmental pollution problems. This ceramic waste is used in concrete to improve the strength and durability factors. To achieve different properties of the concrete the ceramic will be used as partial material of replacement for fine and coarse aggregate.

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