International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue VII, July 2021|ISSN 2454-6194
Fortification of Tempeh Flour on the Chemical and Organoleptic Properties of Oyster Mushroom Nuggets
E. Basuki*, N. Rahmayani and I W. Sweca Yasa
Faculty of Food Technology and Agro-Industry, University of Mataram Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fortification of tempeh flour to the chemical and organoleptic properties of oyster mushroom nuggets. Randomized Block Design (RBD) with a single factor and triplicate in order to obtain 18 experimental samples was used as experimental design. The treatments ratio of of tempeh flour to the oyster mushroom are as follows :, P1 (30% : 70%), P2 (40: 60%), P3 (50%: 50%) , P4 (60% : 40%), P5( 70%: 30%), and P6 ( 80%: 20%). The parameters to be observed included moisture, fat, protein and organoleptic (taste, color, texture and aroma). Observation data were tested by ANOVA at 5% significance levels and continued by Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) with the same significant level. The results showed that fortification of tempeh flour had a significant effect on all chemical and organoleptic of the nuggets. The treatment of fortified tempeh flour ratio 80%: Oyster mushroom 20% is the best treatment for the chemical quality of nuggets (40.8% moisture content, 10.39% fat content and 13.86% protein content). As well as for the organoleptic quality, the prereferable ratio of 60% tempeh flour: 40% oyster mushrooms .
Keywords: Nugget, Oyster Mushroom, Tempeh Flour
Nugget is a form of ready-to-eat frozen food products, namely products that have been preheated until they are precooked, then frozen [1]. In sequence with the development of science and technology, nuggets can be made also from various types of fish, beef and chicken meat. According to the Indonesian National Standard [3], the nutritional content of nuggets in 100g is maximum water content of 60g, 12g minimum protein, 20g maximum fat, 25g maximum carbohydrate, 30mg calcium. Nugget usually made of animal ingredients generally contains high fat, then raw materials that are usually made from animal products can be substituted with vegetable products, such as oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms are chosen as raw material for making nuggets, because oyster mushrooms have good nutritional value, physical properties that are chewy like meat, delicious taste, and are easy to obtain, different from products derived from animal ingredients, usually have a relatively expensive and also could not be consumed by vegetarian consumers. Various studies have shown that consumption of plant foods can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease due to plant foods contain phytochemicals which function as antioxidants.