RSIS International

Fuzzy Logic Based Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Using MATLAB

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VI, June 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Fuzzy Logic Based Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Using MATLAB

Mahadev Kokare#, J.O.Chandle*, Rahul Kavathe#, Mayur Deokar**

IJRISS Call for paper

#Student M. Tech Electrical Control System,
**Student M. Tech Electrical Power System,
*Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai, India

Abstract-This paper represents a fault diagnosis method based on fuzzy inference system. The study of induction motors is becoming increasingly paramount. The main trouble in this task is the lack of a precise analytical model to describe a faulty motor. A fuzzy logic approach may avail to diagnose induction motor faults. Due to the perpetual running nature of induction motor more advanced techniques are required to opportunely quantify their impact. This paper proposes the utilization of fuzzy logic to analyze, compare & diagnose health condition of induction motor under sundry faults.

Keywords— Induction Motor, Fault Detection, Fuzzy Logic, Stator current amplitudes, MATLAB.


Induction motor is the single most familiar electromechanical energy conversion tool available for various industrial applications because of the reason is the wide variety of characteristics like robustness, self-starting, high efficiency, low cost, reliability, speed control flexibility, etc. These are available at different ratings; predicated on the load requisite the motor is adopted. Running of an industrial plant in the safe and efficient mode, electric motors specially induction motors play very paramount role. Hence early detection of abnormalities in the motors will avail to costly failures [2]. While discussing the faults in induction motor, different parameters such as voltage, current, temperature are considered. If any faults occur in the motor, then it is compulsory to detect and diagnose the fault with utilize of one of the parameter from above.

The proposed work for project aims to detect different faults such as under current, overload, single phasing, two phase open by condition monitoring of induction motor taking current as the reference parameter utilizing soft computing technique such as fuzzy logic by developing working model of system[1][2].