RSIS International

Fuzzy Logic in Secure WSN: A Review

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VII, July 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Fuzzy Logic in Secure WSN: A Review

D. Hevin Rajesh

IJRISS Call for paper

Department of IT, St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract:- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are deploy in the hostile environment to collect data. WSN undergo various attacks during deployment and data collection. The security is very essential during the time of data collection and aggregation. Various soft computing methods are used along with secure WSN. In this paper, fuzzy logic based secure WSN are discussed and surveyed. The strength and weaknesses of different methods are studied. The different methods are compared in terms of various parameters.

Keywords Wireless sensor networks, Security, Fuzzy logic, Sensor node, Cluster.


Fuzzy based LEAP in WSN (ELEAP) [1], This is the cluster oriented fuzzy based protocol. This protocol has the ability to detect and eliminate sinkhole attack effectively. In sinkhole attack the compromised node will disguise as base station and receive all the information in the network, pass to adversaries. Here the node selection for forwarding the sensed data packet is decided by the fuzzy rule based system. The fuzzy logic system considered four input parameters namely energy level of the node wanted the packet to be forwarded, distance between nodes to base station, key input for detecting the sinkhole attack area and the pair wise key need for secure authentication. The output of the fuzzy system is two output variable namely, ‘select’ and ‘reject’. If the fuzzy system output gives ‘select’, then the data packet forwarded to next node. Otherwise it searches another node for forwarding the data packet.


This protocol identifies the attack area effectively and forwarded the data packet in the alternate path to reach the base station. It blocks the false messages generated by the compromised node. The heavy traffic is diverted to the nearby nodes. The nodes which have low traffic are considered for more traffic.