International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Gender Applications in Buddhist Jurisprudence.
Nishadini Peiris
Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
Jurisprudence in any society is based on the social and religious values. As a result religious and social point of view on gender is having direct effect to the ones social role define in constitutions. Social attitudes and practices of traditional society were changed due to the social effects of industrial revolution. Gradually attitudes on gender and social role of individual also changed. As a result, defined social role according to the gender was criticized and challenged by different social groups including scholars during the last century. This trend was emerged in the western world and gradually it influences globally. Buddhist teachings and practices are focusing to understand the reality. Therefore it encourage the individual to be openminded without attaching to any extreme. It encourage the individual to follow the middle path. As a result, Buddhist teachings treating the individual in a flexible manner. It has neutral approach on understanding gender differences. Purpose of this research is to find out gender equity in Buddhism and whether it can provide more practical solution for the gender base problems in the modern world.
Documentary study on Pāli Tipitaka is the method of data collecting and content analysis is used for data analysing in this research.
Gender is not a permanent factor according to Buddhist teachings. Like other factors gender also can be changed according to the mentality of a person. When it comes to the attraction to opposite gender both male and female are having equal state. According to Buddhist teachings one who wants to overcome the sexuality and gender. should overcome his or her thoughts and behaviour on one’s own gender. Buddhist teachings accept the sexual differences of individual. Individual may have different behaviours due to their sexuality. Therefore, when enact rules it gives consideration to these differences. Even though the Buddhism is having totally deferent attitude regarding the state of the woman and the man, than the main society at that time, it did not try to disturbed or challenged the reaming legal system. Instead of that it try to change the attitudes regarding woman within the main society.
Gender applications in Buddhist jurisprudence is not giving equal status to both genders or discriminate one gender. But to understand the physical and mental differences of each party. It also considered the social attitudes on gender. And precautions were made to protect its members from the negative social influence. And also to facilitate the members to archive the vision.
Key words: Social influence, Gender equity, Monastic code, Clergy community, Harassment
Jurisprudence in any society is ba9tysed on the social and religious values. As a result religious and social point of view on gender is having direct effect to the ones social role define in constitutions. Social attitudes and practices of traditional society were changed due to the social effects of industrial revolution. Gradually attitudes on gender and social role of individual also changed. As a result, defined social role according to the gender was criticized and challenged by different social groups including scholars during the last century. This trend was emerged in the western world and gradually it influences globally. The discussions were on the concept of God, gender of God, the gender requirements for priesthood, and also the teachings and practices on gender, in Christian church. These discussions influenced the other Asian originated religions like Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism and so on. As a result gender concept of religions are become a common area of study in the globalized world. These studies and discussions were influence to the legal systems worldwide.