International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Sishuwa Sishuwa1, Likando Mundia (PhD)2
1Student, Mongu Catholic College of Education, Zambia
2Mongu Catholic College of Education, Zambia
Abstract: the purpose of the study was to compare the performance of boys and girls in home economics at grade five school levelat Mandanga Primary school in Mongu district of Western Province in Zambia. The research instruments used in this research included classroom observations, focused groups and semi-structured interviews. Data collected was analysed inductive approach using constant comparative data analysis. The study has revealed that there was balance on the gender performance of Home Economics among the grade five classes at Mandanga Primary School in Mongu district of Western Province in Zambia.
Keywords: Achievement, gender, infrastructure, perception of home economics.
According Ministry of General Education (2013) Home Economics is an interdisciplinary field of study which endeavors to equip students with knowledge, practical and social skills, attitudes that are essential for success in a global society. The subject seeks to equip learners with life skills that will enable them to cope with changes in a technological, socio-economical, and multi-cultural society. Home Economics as a subject in the Zambian educational system has continued to receive low status among teachers and learners. It has been regarded as a subject for the female folk and the weak. Men who take up home economics as a teaching subject are considered to be weak and are looked down upon by society.At primary school level Home Economics is taught from grade 5-7 as a subject to both boys and girls. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of girls and boys in Home Economics.