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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

Geophysical Investigation: a Case Study of Ndiechi in Ohaukwu Local Government Area; Ebonyi State.

U. D. Aluge1., A. O. Azi2, Olumide Oladapo3 and C. T. Iriakuma4
1Dept of Industrial Physics, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi, Nigeria.
2Dept of Physics/Instrumentation & Control Tech; Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Bonny, Rivers, Nigeria.
3Dept of Petroleum & Gas Processing Engineering Technology, Bonny, Rivers, Nigeria.
4 Dept of Computer Science, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Bonny, Rivers, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Geophysical site investigation for sitting a viable point for ground water exploration was carried out at Ndiechi in Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Electrical resistivity approach as a geophysical method was adopted with Schlumberger configuration for depth or vertical electrical sounding to delineate basement weak zone and lithologic depth respectively. Five points were examined using sounding. The least resistive point was further sounded for better vertical resolution and clarity. The curve type encountered in the study is the KH-curve type, which is a good indicative curve for groundwater exploration. The obtained sounding parameter suitably established the overburden depth of 1.5m.

Keywords: Geophysical Exploration, KH-curve, Resistivity, Schlumberger, current.


Water is an essential natural resource that is not only needed for human existence but also for survival of our environment. An extensive increase in the search for adequate and quality water is as a result of its importance to man and essential need for technology (Agbo, Aluge, Azi and Nnabo, 2013). As a result of unavailability of quality water in some surface areas, many people now rely on the exploration and exploitation of groundwater especially for domestic activities. Exploration for groundwater requires a number of techniques (Wightman et al, 2003; Lawrence et al, 2012 and Utomet al, 2012). An example is electrical resistivity method. It is an efficient and economical method for determining the presence of groundwater (Arulprakasamet al, 2011). Geophysicists have also used it to determine the thickness of bedrock, clay, salt, water intrusion, the vertical extent of certain types of soil and the spread of groundwater contamination (Gabret al, 201; Aniet al, 2013 and Ochuko, 2018).

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