International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue V, May 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Ground Improvement Using Stone Column
Ajeet Rathi1, Akshita2, Alka3, Mayank Aggarwal4, Tauseef Ahmed5, Vivek Gupta6
1Assistant Professor, N.I.E.C, Delhi, India
2, 3, 4, 5, 6N.I.E.C, Delhi, India
Abstract: In today’s construction industry, Ground improvement is important requirements land reclamation is becoming increasing popular. The stone column technique is a very useful method of improving the strength parameters of soil like bearing capacity and reducing consolidation settlement. It offers a much economical and sustainable alternative to piling and deep foundation solutions. The paper is an attempt to discuss the soil improvement due to the construction of stone column. The result with stone and without stone column on soil bed are obtained and compared.
India’s coastline exceeds 6000 km. Keeping in view the developments on coastal areas in the recent past, large number of ports and industries are being built. In addition, the availability of land for the development of commercial, housing, industrial and transportation, infrastructure etc. are scarce particularly in urban areas. This necessitated the use of land, which has weak strata, wherein the geotechnical engineers are challenged by the presence of different problematic soils with varied engineering characteristics. Many of these areas are covered with thick soft marine clay deposit, with very low shear strength and high compressibility.
Out of several techniques available for improving the weak strata, stone column have been used to a large extend for several applications. It is a technique for improving both cohesive clay and silty sand. Stone column is constructed by making a hole into the soft deposit by different techniques and then filled with stones and compacted to form the complete column. When the structure is placed over the area (where stone columns are built) the majority of load is transferred to the stone column due to their higher stiffness.