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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186

Ground Reality of the Theory and Practices of the Concept of Democracy (A Theoretical Perspective)

Shantha Kumara Gamlath

IJRISS Call for paper

University of Sri Jayawaradnepura, Sri Lanka


The term of Democracy is a most important as well as much more debatable concept in the Political Science discipline. As a concept it has accepted, as a determination to assess of the existing social back ground regarding to better space for the interaction of the human activities. As a concept, it has long time historical evaluation process under the influences of different Philosophical and socio political forces. Some time it has reflected as constructed idea by some one or period then have dominant at the society for their survival. It has defined several qualities on better social implications in term of politics which has identified as a one of the best measures on the better social environment for the citizens for their social life in the society. But it has some complexity to understand how democracy practices in the society in according to its original conceptual presentation which has delivered by the various theorists. As a concept it was reflected broad and concrete idea in term of liberal democratic vocabulary.

Since, Greek philosophy up to now it has been activating in different contexts, paradigms, periods so on. Therefore it has reflected different interpretations, explanations and views but still not delivered completed realistic meaningful idea on practice in the society. All the conditions of the democracy have combined with citizens or people actions or socio political and economic interactions of the society. Democracy, as a universal concept has been using in various contexts for the surviving and safeguard of their existing situation. However, it’s very difficult to understand a lonely on conceptual interpretations. Some time it has advocated for the established a better society with good practices as well as it has been activating as a weak establishment with bad practices in society. Therefore, it was a tool for determine of the nature of political practices of the people in the modern society.

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