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Group Communication in Decision Making for the Establishment of Tourist Attractions: Case Study of Sekapuk Village, East Java, Indonesia.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Group Communication in Decision Making for the Establishment of Tourist Attractions: Case Study of Sekapuk Village, East Java, Indonesia.

Zamroatul Fuaddah1, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni 2, Andre Rahmanto3
1Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
2Department of Public Administration, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
3 Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

This research is entitled “Group Communication in Decision Making for the Establishment of Tourism Objects: A Case Study of Sekapuk Village, East Java, Indonesia”. The purpose of this study was to determine the communication carried out by the Pelangi Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) in Sekapuk Village in making decisions about the formation of Selo Tirto Giri tourism objects. The theory used in this study is group communication using the theory of group functional perspective by Hirokawa and Gouran. This study uses a qualitative approach, which uses case studies to explain in-depth the group decision making. The findings of this study reveal that there are four functions used by Pokdarwis Pelangi Sekapuk Village, namely analysis of the problem of the existence of former mining excavations in Sekapuk Village, setting common goals between group members and the community, identifying alternatives for new problems, and determining other efforts for the smooth formation of tourist attractions. , finally evaluated the positive and negative characters with regular discussions conducted by Pokdarwis Sekapuk Village. Communication interactions carried out by members of Pokdarwis Pelangi Sekapuk Village were assisted by the Village government, especially the Village Head in making decisions regarding the establishment of Selo Tirto Giri tourism objects.

Keywords— Group communication, Decision Making, Group Functional Perspective, Tourism


Tourism is a very important sector for the development of the Indonesian economy [1]. The achievement of the national tourism sector in the 2015 to 2019 period experienced consistent and significant growth, the contribution of the tourism sector to the national GDP continued to increase and achieve the target, so that tourism as the leading sector was recorded as the highest foreign exchange contributor after palm oil [2]. In 2019 there was a very significant increase in GDP of 4.8 percent, where this value increased by 0.30 points from 2018 of 4.5 percent [2]. Currently, tourism and its potential catalysts are expected to be able to encourage growth in remote rural areas [3]. The impact of the tourism sector has a very significant influence on regional development [4]–[6].
The tourism industry opens up new opportunities in increasing economic growth [7]. Tourism development is too focused on the island of Bali and is vulnerable to natural disasters and terrorism [8]. The community as a stakeholder group is the most involved, and tourists are the least involved compared to the government and the business sector [9]. The potential use of community-based tourism for the community includes economic benefits, such as the contribution to rural development and poverty alleviation [10], as well as the use of natural resources [11], [12].
Based on research conducted by Mak (2017) the decision-making process in tourism planning can provide a better understanding of how tourism can benefit society. A new approach in the tourism sector to make it easier and more equitable for community-based tourism to be considered as a possible solution in achieving the goal. Community-based tourism is adopted in various developing ways as an effort in sustainable tourism development which will ensure the achievement and distribution of tourism benefits for all people, through community empowerment and tourism participation [14], [15].
The community as a stakeholder group is the most involved, and tourists are the least involved compared to the government and the business sector [9]. Community-based tourism is a form of small-scale tourism established in rural areas, where residents, through organizational structures play an important role in controlling and managing [16]. Pokdarwis as a bridge in increasing the role of the community in industry and the effectiveness of the establishment of tourist attractions in rural areas.

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