International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue I, January 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Guidance and Counselling: A Remedy for Community Development
ADEJARE, Toosin Adeyinka1, AYELABOWO, Odunitan Abidemi2, DALHATU, Hafsatu3
1,3Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
2Department of Educational Foundations, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria
Abstract:- This paper discussed how Guidance and Counselling is a remedy to the challenges that pose serious detriments to the development of a community such as unemployment, inadequate productivity among others, types of community development is also discuss in theses paper such as food security, health care among others and suggested ways to fix them. The remedy to all these issues are embedded in an effective guidance and counselling services. It was suggested that counsellors should be more committed to their work and voluntary offer cognitive behavioural therapy to youths during career talks and PTA meetings in schools and during orientation of youth corps at camp (NYSC). Government should come to the aid of guidance and counselling in Nigeria by making the services available, effective and sustainable across all the educational institutions and other social institutions.
Keywords: Guidance and Counselling, Community development, Panacea, Society, Youths, Nigeria.
“An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. Unemployment of young graduates is no longer a question in Nigeria. Inadequate productivity, redundancy, corruption mid poverty are fatally eating up our nation, It is a sad reality that a country of over 170 million people produces only a handful manufactured goods and import almost everything from other countries. Nigeria is a country blessed with abundant natural and human resources that if all these resources are channeled to production, will raise the nation to a greater height. But the question is the youths willing to embark on production? Do they know what to study? Which skill to acquire? How to develop a rewarding career? Situation of the labour market? Some individuals are confused right from school, they lack guidance on how to study, prepare for examinations, what to study, what to major in, which tertiary institution to seek, and lots of other related issues.