RSIS International

Hand Waving Bot

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Hand Waving Bot

Souvik Bera, Vineet Kumar, Ch Sai Anjaneyulu,S. Senthil Murugan

IJRISS Call for paper

  (B. Tech 3rd Year), SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract-Explorers and geographical scientists are always on the move of exploring new things due to which they need to go to places where the reach of humans is limited or not possible. Their problem can be solved by this hand waving robot. It can reach any places where humans find difficult to access. This bot uses high radio frequency signals for communication and the control of the bot is totally dependent upon the user.

This reduces the risk of discovering new places or mines where the human presence can be risky. It can be modified too with a camera and sensors through which we can get information about the places and spots beforehand. It can also act as a spy and can also be a useful tool for military purposes too, by increasing the signal strength of communication which can be done by using some advanced communication systems rather than nRF24L01 which we are using in our project.

It can be powered by an external dc source as well as a solar panel. We are using both to keep it energised always.

Keywords-Gyroscope/Accelerometer, Arduino NANO, Arduino UNO, nRF24L01 Module, Serial Communication, Motor Controller(L293d), DHT11, Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-04), I2C Protocol, SPI protocol


In the recent years, explorers and geoscientists have undergone many expeditions and discovered many new places and sites, which will also continue in the future too. The frequency of these expeditions might increase due to increase in the depletion of energy sources which may lead to in search of new places and sites where an alternative way of energy sources can be discovered or places where the present energy sources can be found in abundance.

But these expeditions become too risky for the explorers since they are not aware of the surroundings which may lead them to serious situations. This is where our “Hand Coordinated Bot” becomes a useful tool for the researchers and explorers. Through this they can acquire some sort of idea as how risky is the place and what precautions are needed to be taken by them on their journey. They will also get a brief idea of the land conditions and the atmospheric conditions too. The temperature and humidity can also be determined with the help of the sensors attached to the bot.