International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VIII, August 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Barghash Abdalla Ahmed, Nzoka Stephen, Ong’ang’a H. Ouko
Kenyatta University, Kenya
Abstract: – Integration in education has lately taken center stage in public schools in Kenya. This study examined the type of leadership head teachers used and their teachers’ performance in promoting integration in the schools. The study was carried out in integrated public primary schools with learners with VI in Lamu County Kenya. The aim of the study was to identify the leadership styles applied by head teachers and its effects on teachers’ performance in integration of learners with visual impairment (VI) in the regular schools in Lamu county Kenya. The study was guided by Douglas McGregor‘s model- Theory X and Theory Y (1961). This study was conducted using exploratory study design. The target population for the study was 506 educators; 86 head teachers and 420 teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select the respondents. The sample size consisted of 18 head teachers and 42 teachers. Content analysis was used to test the validity of the research instruments while a reliability coefficient was used to test the instruments’ reliability. Descriptive statistics involved the use of frequencies and percentages. Relationship between independent and dependent variables was accepted at 95% confidence level. The study results revealed that various leadership styles are being employed by head teachers in integrated public primary schools in Lamu County. The main leadership styles found are democratic and autocratic leadership. The study further reveals that the type of leadership has a significant influence on teachers ‘performance. The influence was found to vary based on the type of leadership among head teachers. For example democratic leadership style showed a significant positive influence on teachers’ performance. The study recommends that teacher education curricula needs to be enhanced to include effective ways of leadership style in order to improve teachers’ performance in integrated school settings.
Key Terms: Head Teachers, Leadership Styles, Integration, Teacher Performance
Schools serve as learning centers for not only regular but also special needs children. Therefore, school management plays a key role in actualizing the purpose of the school as an institution. This is effectively achieved through creating a school an enabling environment through effective leadership process (UNESCO, 2009).