International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume III, Issue I, January 2018 | ISSN 2454-6194
Partha C R#, Swetharani V J#, Dipa Malik#, Prashanth V#, Mallika P.*
# Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore , Karnataka, India
*Bangalore Technological Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Abstract-Usage of ground water is increasing due to rapid population growth, high rate of urbanization, industrial growth and agricultural utilizations. In view of vital demand of groundwater, it is essential to identify groundwater potential zones for systematic planning and management of ground water resources. The existing methods of groundwater exploration are expensive and time consuming. Remote sensing and GIS play a vital role in identification of groundwater potential zones. This study was aimed at identifying ground water potential zones in southern part of Bangalore East Taluk. The various factors influencing ground water occurrence e.g., slope, land use and land cover, drainage density, geology, geomorphology, soil were considered and the corresponding thematic layers were generated using Remote sensing and GIS techniques. A numerical rating scheme for the factors was developed using AHP method based on their relative importance. The resulting ground water potential map delineates the area into three zones such as low, moderate, high. The results showed that 29%, 37% and 34% of study area are liable to high, moderate, and low potential zone respectively. This result was validated with field investigation data.
Keywords—Ground water, Remote sensing, GIS, thematic maps, AHP method
Groundwater is one of the natural resources of the earth that sustains and supports domestic, agricultural and industrial activities. Groundwater contributes to about 80% of drinking water requirements in rural areas. Ground water usage is increasing due to rapid population.
A. Need for Study
The existing methods of groundwater exploration using geophysical and geo electrical techniques are expensive and time consuming. With the advent of powerful and high speed PCs, Remote sensing and GIS has the capability to identify the influencing factors for ground water occurrence such as geological condition of the study area, structural features, soil type, rainfall, slope, vegetation etc. [1]-[5].