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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Impact Assessment of Marketing Activities on Faith Based Organization

Musari, Akeem A.1, Idowu-Agida, Oladayo O.2*

IJRISS Call for paper

1Department of Marketing, Gateway Polytechnic Saapade, P.M.B 2004 Ode Remo, Nigeria
2National Horticultural Research Institute P.M.B.5432 Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria
*Corresponding author

Abstract:- This project work examined the effect of marketing activities on faith based organization in Nigeria using the Redeemed Christian Church of God case study. Prior to the research, textbooks and articles from journals written from scholars in the field of business management, entrepreneurship and general management were explored and reviewed. This research was a survey research and it made use of both primary and secondary sources lo f both a gather the needed data for the study. Questionnaire was used to gather data from the employees of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. The data retrieved were analyzed on different tables using simple percentage. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The hypothesis raised was tested with Chi-square method and the result to the findings at the calculated value is greater than the Chi-square tabulated. The null Ho is rejected and the positive Hi is accepted. Therefore there are significant relationships between the marketing activities and the faith based organization in Nigeria. It is believed that this work will be of benefit to marketers, researchers, sales administrative and students. In conclusion, it was found out that there is significant relationship between marketing activities and faith based organization. Recommendations were made to faith based organization on marketing activities of their organization.

Keywords: business, faith based organization, management, employee, marketing activities.


The marketing concepts can also be said to be the philosophy that recognizes that the consumers is at the center of everything we do in business it’s concepts believes that without the consumers there can be no marketing and based on this it should be aimed a t satisfying the need of the consumer. Dicklitch and Rice (2010) defined Faith Based Organizations as “Non-state actors that have a central religious or faith core to their philosophy, membership, or programmatic approach, although they are not simple missionary”. On the other hand, Clarke and Jennirigs (20l0) conceptualized Faith Based Organizations as ‘‘organizations that derive inspiration and guidance for its activities from the teachings and principles of the faith or from a particular interpretation or school of thought within the faith”. In this view, Faith Based Organizations are conceived as deriving their origin and practice from doctrines and precepts established by affiliated congregations in the society. Berger (2016) provided the definition mostly accepted in this field of study. He defined Faith based Organizations as:

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