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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Impact of Climate Change on Farmers Livelihood in Oluyole Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria

O.O.Adetola, D.S Muritala, M.A Adebisi, O.M Onofurume

IJRISS Call for paper

Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, P.M.B 5054, Jericho Hills Ibadan, Nigeria
Corresponding Author: O.O.Adetola

Abstract:-The study aimed to examine the effects of climate change on the livelihood of farmers in Oluyole Local Government area of Oyo state. The objectives of this work was to determine the socio-economic characteristics, source of income of the farmers, determine the level of awareness of climate change and the effects of climate change on health of the farmers. The study used primary data through a well-structured questionnaire and scheduled interview, fifty respondents were randomly sampled. The use of frequency count and simple percentage were used to analyze the data.
The study revealed that male farmer’s population was 76% o while female population was 24%. 70% of the farmers are married, 10% are divorced and 20% widowed. The study also indicated that 54% had non-formal education, 20% of the farmers had quranic education while 12% and 8% of the farmers had secondary and tertiary education respectively. 90% of the forest zone has been degraded as a result of deforestation. The respondent’s major source of information on climate change includes (Research institute-60%, radio/Television station-30% and newspaper-0%). The ailments experienced by respondents are malaria (66%) and headache 12%. Major source of water supply during dry season is stream 76%, which is scarce during dry season (68%).The farmers main livelihood activities is trading of forest products (firewood & bush meat-58%), sales of farm products and medicinal herbs represent 30% of their source of income. This study recommends that more awareness strategies on climate change should be opened-up to the farmers to curb the effect of deforestation. Good water supply should be provided in the area to eradicate the effects of prolong drought.

Key words: Climate change, Global warming, deforestation, livelihood.


Inter-Governmental panel on Climate Change [6] Links climate change to the changes in global average temperature between (0.74±0.18). The world health organization (WHO) also considers the consequences of global warming as the most pressing problem of the 21st century.

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