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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VIII, August 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Impact of Training and Development as a Tool for Achieving Organizational Objectives

Esther James1, Collins Daniel Kwabe2
1Department of Business Management Education, Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola, Nigeria
2Department of Social and Management Sciences, Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:-This study focuses on the Impact of Training and Developments as A Tool for Achieving Organizational Objectives, The objective of the study was to find out how training and development of employees contribute to the achievement of the goals, assess how reward system as a human resource management practice influences performance, established how job design as a component of human resource management practices influences performance, and to identify the roles of training and development in achieving organizational goals. Based on the literature, the study recommends Training and development should be seen not only as of the thread that ties together all human resource practices, but also as the instrument for establishing and signaling when and how work practices should change. In other words, employees should take on the role of organizational change agents.

Keywords: Training, Development, Organizations, Staff (Employees), Training Needs, On the Job Training, Off the Job Training, Banking Sector


Personnel is the most valuable assets of any organization (Sunny, 2010). There could be state of the art, machines, materials and even money yet nothing gets done without man-power. Knowledge is the ability, the skill, the understanding, the information, which every employee is required to acquire to function effectively and for the organization to function efficiently. Therefore, training and development play a vital role in improving performance as well as increasing productivity and eventually putting companies in the best position to face competition and stay at the top. This means that there is a significant difference between the organizations that train their employees and organizations that do not.
Training and development is a type of activity that is planned systematically and it results in an enhanced level of skills, knowledge, and competency that are necessary to perform work effectively and efficiently (Gordon, 2012). Organizational efficiency is concerned with how organizations can increase output with a minimum cost implication. Training generates benefits for the employee as well as for the organization by positively influencing employee performance through the development of employee knowledge, skills, ability, competencies, and behavior (Abel, D.E 2010).

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