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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue V, May 2018 | ISSN 2454-6186

Impact of Political Influence on Educational Sector in Nigeria

Olayisade Rhema Olayinka

IJRISS Call for paper

Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria

Abstract: Education plays vital role in any community, communities are guided by laws and order, shaping and molding issues on education that are formulated through educational policies. This rightly shows that implementation of educational policies operate within the political framework of the community. Political instability has led to inconsistent policies due to the rapid turnover of education ministers with different interests and lack of educational expertise. This implies that the educational policies are influenced by the political administrators in the country. This paper takes a critical look into the impact of political influence on educational sector in Nigeria. The relationship between both of them, the positive and negative influences from the environment by the political actors, various policies made during the civilian and military administration, and steps taken to rectify the challenges encountered in the political environment through unfavorable policies.

Key words: Education, Politics, Impact, communities, policies, Nigeria.


Education is the impartation of knowledge. According to Aliyu (2001) he defines education as the method by which a society transmits from one generation to the next its knowledge, culture and value. Education started at home which is informal education a means whereby parents teach their children how to do house chore, home training and some assignments. Education plays prominent roles in the life of our young one, according to Fafunwa (2004) he defined education as the aggregate of all the processes by which a child or young adult develops the abilities, attitude and other forms of behavior which are of positive value to the society in which he lives.

According to Hosper (1972) he explained that the more one comes to know or understand a particular concept, the richer ones fact of the concept becomes, therefore everyone’s knowledge is improving every day because what one knew many year ago has been improved on as at today. As opined by Abdu (2003), democratic ideas became interwoven with the belief that education was the only path to a useful and productive life. As it could been seen in the lives of leaders no matter their background once one is able to acquire education there are possibilities for one to rule and issue directives that will benefit the society.

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